Jul. 19, 2023

HARRISBURG – Water and sewer line improvements are on their way to Eldred thanks to two state grants totaling nearly $8.5 million, Sen. Cris Dush (R-25) and Rep. Martin Causer (R-Cameron/McKean/Potter) announced today.

“These investments are vital to upgrading aging infrastructure and ensuring a clean and safe water supply for the residents of this community,” Causer said. “The funding will help minimize the cost burden to consumers for these necessary updates.”

“Responsibly funding necessary infrastructure projects must always remain a top priority,” Dush said. “Securing this highly competitive financial assistance to complete significant upgrades in the extremely critical areas of clean drinking water distribution and sanitary sewer collection is a huge win for the hard-working people of Eldred. With so many families struggling with ever-rising costs and inflation, both grants should cost-effectively expedite this long-overdue infrastructure replacement process.”

A grant of $4.67 million was awarded to the borough of Eldred for replacement of approximately 9,650 feet of existing sanitary sewer collection pipe. Additionally, the Barden Brook and Shields pump stations, last upgraded in 1996 and 2003 respectively, will be replaced.

A grant of $3.79 million was awarded to the Eldred Borough Water Authority for replacement of approximately 9,600 feet of existing distribution waterline with polyvinyl chloride waterline. A dozen fire hydrants are also set to be replaced.

Work on both projects will coincide with the paving of State Route 446 by PennDOT to minimize construction impacts in the community.

The grants were awarded by the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) at its meeting Wednesday. Since its inception in 1988, PENNVEST has served communities and citizens by funding sewer, storm water and drinking water projects across the Commonwealth.

Representative Martin T. Causer
67th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Patricia A. Hippler
RepCauser.com / Facebook.com/RepCauser